GDPR and domain name resellers, 20 million reasons to read this.

Posted on 12 October 2017

Companies will face very harsh punishments for infringements under the GDPR. Art. 83 Paragraph 5 of the GDPR offers the supervising authorities the possibility of imposing fines of up to 20 million Euro or, for corporations, up to 4% of the worldwide turnover of the preceding financial year.


Tick tock, tick tock, goes the clock
The EU GDPR will go into effect May 25th, 2018. It looks like there is still a lot of time, but actually, there is not much time left to prep your organization for the GDPR!

Most of your company’s operations will be affected by …

Realtime Register Release and New Features

Posted on 27 September 2017

This page is dedicated to the relevant changes, added features and fixes of the Realtime Register front and back end. Please visit regularly to stay up to speed. The API Changes are documented in more detail on the API Docs Change Log pages and additional documentation. Please note, login is required.

Improvement: Privacy Protect v2 allows transfer out without exposing registrants date. In preparation for GDPR.
Bugfix: Denic, some unsupported Unicode characters in address contacts will now give the proper error message.
Improvement: NicIT, NS check now inline with registry policy.
Improvement: NicIT, Client hold option removed.
Bugfix: …

EU GDPR, is consent the Silver Bullet for Domain Name Registrations?

Posted on 27 September 2017


According to the Dutch DPA, consent is not the silver bullet.

This will make ccTLD registrations outside of the EU for natural persons very problematic and perhaps such registrations should be avoided, though this is not legal advice in any shape or form. 

Consent is often cited as the Silver Bullet to transfer data outside of the EU.The requirements, however, can be rather complex given the fact how registries/ICANN process and control the data.

The rules according to Art.6.1(b).

Data subjects are provided with a clear explanation of the processing to which they are consenting; The consent mechanism …

FAQ Privacy Protect support

Posted on 27 September 2017

Updated privacy protect service

Posted on 14 September 2017

On September 26 we will release a revamped version of our privacy protection service. It contains significant changes and will comply with upcoming EU GDPR and ICANN policies.

Why you need the new privacy protect service

At Realtime Register we value the privacy of your customers the registrants, by using the new Realtime Register privacy protect services you’ll bring your customers privacy to the highest level possible. Regarding domain names, it will enable you to be GDPR ready, saving you a lot of time in this area.

The new privacy protect service:

  • is free!That is, for reselling customers with …

The most important GDPR requirements at a glance

Posted on 11 September 2017

The article below is a partial copy of this fact sheet by Legalist and was used with its consent. (De Nederlandstalige versie staat hier)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new pan-European privacy law. From 25 May 2018, your organization must comply with this strict new law. So, what is changing? And what do you need to change?

1. Your activities are much more likely to be covered by eu privacy legislation
If your organization processes personal data of a person who is in the EU, you must comply with the GDPR. It does not matter …

De belangrijkste eisen van de AVG

Posted on 11 September 2017

Het onderstaande artikel is met toestemming grotendeels overgenomen van het factsheet Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming door ICTRECHT.

Een nieuwe privacywet voor heel europa, dat is wat de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG of GDPR in het engels) ons brengt. Vanaf 25 mei 2018 moet ook uw organisatie voldoen aan deze strenge nieuwe wet. wat gaat er nu allemaal veranderen?

1. Uw activiteiten vallen veel sneller onder de privacywet
Het centrale begrip ‘persoonsgegevens’ verandert namelijk: naast bestanden met namen, adressen en dergelijke vallen nu ook gegevens gekoppeld aan IP-adressen, MAC- adressen, cookies en dergelijke onder de wet. Ook als u niet weet …

3 reasons why your customers should have their blog on a .blog

Posted on 28 August 2017

Nope, this post is not about WHY they should blog, plenty of blog posts about that floatingaround. Forr example this blog, Dechay Watts has sprouted an impressive number of 19 reasons.  One of my favorites is number 9, It can be fun.


Back on topic “3 reasons why your customers should have their blog on a .blog”

1. You can choose a fresh new domain name for you blog

You might have had to compromise when you choose your companies domain name or you want to pick a snazzy name for your blog. With a current …

3 benefits of domain consolidation

Posted on 21 August 2017

Managing TLDs at different registrars is pretty straightforward if you have two or three domains. But what happens when you have hundreds (or even thousands) of domains that are essential to the wellbeing of your business? Domain management can quickly become a frustrating, tedious, and above all, time-consuming process. And let’s face it: who enjoys a portfolio that is hard to manage and difficult to change?

Below you’ll find 3 reasons why keeping your domains at a single registrar will help you save time and, as a result, money.

1. Streamline administrative work

It can be challenging to keep track …

ICANN, Thick WHOIS Migration Delay & Pray

Posted on 10 July 2017

The migration of the Verisign Thick WHOIS has been delayed until 29th November.
This is a welcome change from the original migration data which was set at 1-August-2017.

We at Realtime Register were not planning to migrate on this data anyways, as we are still reviewing the EU GDPR and its impact.

Currently, ICANN is collecting community input regarding the EU GDPR till September this year. In November ICANN will present the results which will provide more clarity regarding the fact if ICANN is the data controller or not according to the EU GDPR. Furthermore, Registrars expect more clarity at … tracks users anonymously using Google Analytics cookies. Please view our Privacy Statement for more information.